Sunday, August 9, 2015

The NEXT Chapter...

To have these racing rampant and reinforcing thoughts without a reciprocating reception… is not only alliteration, it is the motivation to announce my new blog…  CHASING LIFE… for perspective… I used to write a blog that chronicled my journey as an up and coming bike racer…  I no longer race my bike… I switched that journey… and week after week I am overwhelmed by the diverse way that I can fill the void created when you are no longer aspiring to the be fastest cyclist in the midwest…. For reasons that will later become apparent… I don’t stop until I reach the apex of the aspiration that I aspired towards…  and now.. well, my goal is finally again something that I think people will find of note… the journey of a man to come to terms with …  ah.. yeah, the rest of the sentence will be revealed at the end of this series… just like ‘Breaking Bad’ or ‘ The Walking Dead’…  each installment will lead into the next… in a way that doesn’t facilitate your desire not to push play on the next episode, even though you are experiencing a dissonance based on the departure from your alleged attitude and your apparent behavior… for now.. the goal… the direction… that the gun is pointed.. is towards making the world a better place.. yes.. MY world.. but, unlike in earlier editions.. I hope that making my world a better place will make YOUR world a better place…  if you are reading this.. then you qualify for this opportunity… the  3 most specific ways you will enjoy this journey involve my quest to 1)make a feature length film utilizing Iowa talent… the film festival I direct, the students and peers that I inspire (and inspire me) and the people that challenge me to work my way up the ladder, with respect to making money in the entertainment industry.. 2) My latest quest that involves acquisition of the ‘clam shell diner’… in Muscatine.. yes it is a restaurant but if my ideas become a reality.. this will involve bon fires.. a new public boating dock across from brown’s island.. bike delivery service to downtown businesses, fresh seafood.. and leveraging the influx of revenue that will be transpiring in 2017.. with our newest downtown development.. and 3) the challenge to be a good Dad, even though day by day, I see myself in him… in ways that shock me.. but also motivate me… as I become the ‘child’… even though my son is only 11.. he is quickly developing/maturing at a rate that will make him ‘older’ then me… soon… parenting me…  despite all of the challenges that he will face as a hyper intelligent middle schooler… may be a bit ‘off-putting’ to his peers in ways that I understand, but others his age will NOT.. that was not my intention.. and is not the way  this blog ends.. CHASING LIFE is a story that does have a happy ending… a journey that will motivate you to realize your fullest potential…. To take the gift that you have been given… open up the package.. set the bow aside.. open the box… and be brave enough NOT to look inside… you deserve the gift... but not the luxury of knowing what it is...   I can only promise that this blog will include the highs and the lows… the insight that I gained as I acquired a master’s degree in Psychology …  which helps me understand my own scenarios.. but be more empathetic with respect to the cognitive stimuli that I encounter on a daily basis.. I am either  a severe narcissist, or my life is indeed intense in ways that would make most people collapse in sheer exhaustion… the need for stimulation.. is an addiction.. a compulsion.. and/or the reason that I will reach a height that you never would have thought YOU could have achieved… starting from my lens.. but ending with your image…   whether or not you read this…  I can rest… having exchanged physical pacing with composition… I have the ability to communicate through writing.. and now.. CHASING LIFE continues… bike racing photos and such will be replaced with film shoots, entrepreneurial ambitions… random artistry… most importantly.. words that will change your life for the better… you just have to commit to checking in from time to time.. I am at the peak… climb up with me.. join me on the journey.. . you will enjoy the view… and even though we will find the top of the mountain.. trust me.. Maslow is the wind beneath our wings.. self-trancendence isn’t on this mountain.. it is the next horizon… we will get there.. not today.. definitely tomorrow.. this post is me holding back.. so buckle up.. and commit to checking in weekly.. as we aspire to be WELL...