Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Getting My MoJo Rising

I finally felt a sense that I was going to recover from my mentally and physically deflated state as I tossed and turned while sleeping last night.

The first indication was that I can now sleep on either side of my body, as my road rashes have healed enough to open up the right side sleeping option.

It then became very clear as Jim Morrison appeared to me. He was in an empty bathtub but still conscious. He told me that I can now 'break on through to the other side' as I will be a reincarnated version of my past racing self.

A Native American then whizzed by on an old school Schwinn. He beckoned me to follow him and we went on a training ride across the soutwestern desert. I enjoyed utilizing my sage-like cycling knowledge while gathering even more insight from his wheeled wisdom.

We didn't get too many miles in, as our road bikes weren't well-equipped to ride accross the sandy dunes of Death Valley. Fortunately, my new spiritual advisor had some Peyote and Sodium Tabs in his cycling jersey, which gave us the extra 'boost' we needed to finish our ride.


Doug said...

Did you drink a bit much before going to bed (and I don't mean water)?

Who is Jim Morrison?

Do you have a coach?

Chad Bishop said...

Jim Morrison was the lead singer of the Doors, and focus of the Oliver Stone film by the same title....Hopefully you were kidding about that question.

No I don't have a coach, however find the aspect of 'coaching' myself to be one of the more rewarding parts of bike racing. I enjoy planning training schedules, nutrient timing, etc. I use time trial tests and/or races to gauge my success and make adjustments accordingly.