Monday, January 10, 2011

Pre-Season Racing has begun

Lou wins first Roller Race of season.
Greg Harper spins it out.
The 2011 DMOS Valley West Wipeout Roller Indoor Time Trial occured last Sunday.  So, the bar has been set by fellow teammate Lou Waugaman (American Equity Cycling) who won the event with an impressive time of 5:08.5.  Having never raced on rollers before, he spent time finding the right gear, getting balanced, etc, so I imagine he will improve upon this powerful mark Feb. 6th at the Velosport/American Equity Race  (Davenport Trek Store).

Also of note, Greg Harper set the bar for the 40+ category by winning with a time of 5:51.3 and Simon Carl (DMOS) won the Category 4 race by beating roller strongman Travis Jass with a time of 5:13.4. 

In other news, Tony Nichols just joined up with the American Equity racing team for 2011.  He is a strong Cat 2 and very accomplished as a cyclocross racer.

The Harper's Cycling Roller Race is this weekend.  I hope to swing on over and test my pre-season fitness.  Come on by and join the folks in my hometown of Muscatine.


john said...

Going to be interesting to have Lou in the mix with you and Shaun. And, where is Tater?

Chad Bishop said...

Not sure about the tatonator. Hopefully he is doing well and planning his comeback.