Monday, March 9, 2009

madness in March

I was definately grouchy this weekend. The weather for Saturday's Dirty Road race sort of seemed to indicate that it might be a sign to skip that one. It is a 10 hour commitment (with travel, racing, prep, etc.) to enter this training opportunity, so I opted to stay home, which again made me very irritable, because I was counting on that mileage. I miss the Prairie Rude Days that were held in Cedar Rapids, I would have easily driven up for that, even with the rain/cold.

The results, however, were educational, and provide some early indicators as to which players are planning on being active for the 2009 season.


Compounding the madness, out of nowhere my rollers have begun dragging on the ground when I ride them. Unfortunately I didn't notice this saturday, and just thought that the reason I couldn't get my bike up to my usual cadence/mph was because I was over training. So, I spun for 30 minutes and called it quits... baffled, bewildered...

I hopped on sunday, and decided to try again, this time I noticed the problem and propped up the rollers, thinking I had fixed it. Nope, after the ride there were two long black marks(under each roller) where they were rubbing on the carpet. Actually, I was glad to discover this, because again, I couldn't get my bike up to the same speed as previous workouts.

That's all for now, I believe I will have a special guest blogger submit my next post, stay tuned.

1 comment:

Doug said...

Time to use the trainer?