Thursday, April 24, 2008

Tuesday Night Team Ride

Pictured above are riders at our last Tuesday Night Ride in Muscatine. We staged sort of a 'Team Photo Session' with those who had jerseys and were able to attend.
Like most training rides in Iowa, we start off at a social pace, working our way to the county roads outside of town. Pictured below is a photo of the group stopped at the light, nearing the edge of town.

Here are some nice action shots of the group enjoying a beautiful night in Iowa, just minutes before 'the hammer went down'.

After racing un-challenged to a stop-ahead sign, I pulled out my camera to try and capture just one more shot. Unfortunately, I believe the group was annoyed with my sprint to the sign, and took advantage of my hesitation as I fumbled for my camera. No matter how I hard I pedalled, I couldn't gain any ground. Holding the camera in my hand wasn't exactly helping my pedalling effeciency. Below is a picture that should be memory provoking for everyone... GETTING DROPPED...

The group eventually re-formed and I was able to get the photo I had been seeking... "The Gold Chain".

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