Monday, June 7, 2010

The Quad City Criterium's Corner of Doom

Not much to say about how things went for me at the Quad Cities Criterium, but I can say that this race is always plagued with lots of crashing.  The course features 8 corners and is perfectly flat, resulting in a very fast, yet technical event.  Sprinter types probably enjoy this race.  I thought readers might find it interesting to view some footage Eric Henriksen got of one of the major crashes that occured during the Women's Cat 1,2,3 event....

This infamous 'corner of doom' located as the last turn before the finish,  seems to claim a number of victims each year, including myself.  If you watch closely at the clip below you can see that I actually ride over the curb, knock over the cone and then continue past the camera as someone reminds me to "Stay Calm... Stay Calm".

Unfortunately, this occured as the Cat 3 field was ramping up the sketchiness in anticipation of the last lap.  My momentum was totally washed, so I soft pedalled in to finish near the end.  I then swapped jerseys and lined up for the smooth yet intense, Master's 30+ race.

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