Thursday, February 18, 2010

Winter... Hibernating vs. Celebrating

I awake each morning, walk to my car via the shelter of my attached garage, put on some sunglasses, drive 4 minutes to work, then briskly walk across the parking lot to get to my job where I am indoors the entire time.  I reverse the process to get home, then proceed to engage in an indoor training session of some sort.  I look out the window from time to time, but usually don't like what I see (grey, cold, barren, dark, etc.)

As I reflected on this and enjoyed some of the 2010 Winter Olympics, I realized that I have been essentially 'hibernating' this winter.  Sure I have been training and keeping in excellent shape, but I really have been hiding from this season, rather than 'celebrating' it. 

To celebrate, I would need to participate in some outdoor activities... perhaps cross country or downhill skiing,  sledding, jogging/hiking, mountain biking on snow packed trails, and (gasp) maybe even cycling on days when the roads were dry.

Nope, I really have opted to dial in a solid indoor training regime, and sleep through this season, eagerly anticipating nature's wake up call... spring cycling (which begins in early March accoring to my alarm clock).

I really don't think this approach would work for most people... I truly enjoy a good workout, and always challenge myself with my indoor routines.  On the other hand, I can't help but to think that maybe I should get out the snow pants next year, and embrace winter as a friend, not a foe.

1 comment:

Doug said...

4 minutes? Man, and I thought I had a short (10 minute) drive to work.

I do not like to train outside in the winter either, but I do do masters swimming on Saturday mornings (indoors).

I just do not like the cold, and having to dress up to ride... and my bike will get salt on it...