Thursday, October 23, 2008

Cross Pics

I found some action shots on Moritz's site from the Newton Cross. Might as well post them...
My calf injury improves each day despite opting to continue training. I have decided not to run outside anymore until march of 2009 since I believe the miles of hard pavement thumping caused the situation. Ordered some RUNerVALS so I can do some treadmill workouts, which are much less prone to injury causing.

Since I will be off of the disabled list, I am currently planning on going up to spooky cross in Des Moines Iowa this weekend, because I have absolutely nothing better to do. Guess I will rent a room by myself, though that sounds sort of lame.
Maybe I can just be a tough guy and sleep in my new ride... 2008 Honda Element, the auto industry's gift to Roadies. Yeah, there are a lot of Elements in the parking lot of bike races... there is a reason for that. So, my stylin mini-van is gone. Good riddance to that babe magnet.


Anonymous said...

why dont you lay off that leg till september 2009 when the race you ran away from comes back to the county seat of whiteside, THE HARVEST HAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hate to keep bringing it up but it was on your list of races and we were all expecting a little report on it from you. I should let you know that there are quite a bit of tail at this race and a guy with your body and flair should have no problem acquiring a few digits to go along with some bonking later on in the day if you know what i mean.......bonky bonk!!!!

Chad Bishop said...

Harvest Hammer 'Tail'? -

Again, I inadvertantly laughed out loud reading your comment. I wonder how many different angles you will be able to find to reference this race throughout the next 11 months. Maybe we should start a race counter... what are we at... 320days,11hours,10minutes.. and counting?

Can you forward me some of those 'digits' I would have gotten by racing in Whiteside? I need someone to share my room at the super 8 this weekend.

Doug said...

You don't look like you are riding very hard :).

Are you going to pimp out the Element? 20 inch spinners? Big wing? Paint it a flashy color! That will turn it into a babe magnet.

When you get that room in Des Moines, pick up one of those magazines you see at the 7-11 with 'escort' services listed in the back, that will get you a lady friend (or two) for the night :).