Wednesday, December 3, 2008

No longer Internally Combustible

Didn't make it to the Jingle Cross, but sure did get some great fitness by preparing for it this fall. Oddly, I got what I wanted from the event. For example, I can now do 53 push-ups. How many can you do? Go ahead, give it a shot and don't cheat.... (the average adult male can do 27).

Had a great outdoor ride thanksgiving day, and then took some time off of the bike to transition to the next period of training. I have read that taking a week off a few times per year is a good thing. I can say, that it really upsets my brain not to train. Well I didn't make it a week, only lasted four days.

There is a tuesday night 'trainer/roller' club starting in town. We had a killer workout last tuesday. I won most of the stop ahead signs. It helped that we weren't actually moving forward, and no one can technically prove me wrong.

I have plenty of topics planned for the december 'off-season', please check back from time to time and I promise to entertain, enlighten, engorge, entail, enlist, and entrust, but not necessarily in that order.

1 comment:

Bird said...

Chad, you are a very intersting person. You know what your blog needs is a heckler. Lift your ban on the anonymous group, and let them have there freedom of speech.
Don't make me get congress behind me to lift your ban.
Then just then your blog may be worth while. Otherwise it will die off without those hecklers.